Wherein I describe the tasty little off-grid solution I'm putting together to get us through Ecuador's daily nationwide power outages.
Wherein I describe the tasty little off-grid solution I'm putting together to get us through Ecuador's daily nationwide power outages.
Our luxury cruise of the Galapagos islands' northern archipelago was absolutely enchanting. It was also a highly regimented experience.
Our luxury cruise of the Galapagos islands' northern archipelago was absolutely enchanting. It was also a highly regimented experience.
As I very quickly discovered, e-commerce in Ecuador is not at all the same thing as it is in Canada or the States. Three reasons why.
As I very quickly discovered, e-commerce in Ecuador is not at all the same thing as it is in Canada or the States. Three reasons why.
It should go without saying that you never hand cash to a tránsito, in broad view of everyone driving past. And yet, that’s precisely what I did.
It should go without saying that you never hand cash to a tránsito, in broad view of everyone driving past. And yet, that’s precisely what I did.
Chiva touring in Baños de Agua Santa is not for everybody. Chantal and I enjoyed it, a lot. But when we travel, we tend to place a premium on the absurd.
Chiva touring in Baños de Agua Santa is not for everybody. Chantal and I enjoyed it, a lot. But when we travel, we tend to place a premium on the absurd.
Part Three of my series, A Seasoned Traveller’s Galápagos. On Isla San Cristóbal, we visit Cerro Brujo's magnificent coral beach and snorkle at Kicker Rock.
Part Three of my series, A Seasoned Traveller’s Galápagos. On Isla San Cristóbal, we visit Cerro Brujo's magnificent coral beach and snorkle at Kicker Rock.